Monday, 13 June 2016

Brankica 04

She would rather be crushing him in Her palm, or pushing Her thumbnail through him, or squashing him under Her thumb. But this tiny has been especially bad so he won't be getting any of that. Instead, he will be knocked around the table until he falls into one of the pockets. And then, She will just walk away...

Brankica has perfect hands and nails, so very shapely and long. If I were shrunk and could choose anyone's nails to worship it would be Hers.

"Please don't play pool with me!"

Brankica 03

Caught in Her hands, there is no escape for this tiny. She gently, calmly explains how helpless he is and how She is going to end his life using just one of Her long, sharp nails. It amuses Her no end to see him trembling and cowering. She assures him that it will be slow, painful and very fun. But that's his own fault for being so tiny.

He should be honoured to be ended by such gloriously beautiful nails.

"Held in her hands, looking up at his Goddess"

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Brankica 02

He hangs on to Her nail for dear life. This is a game to Her. If he falls off, he will be squashed under Her thumb. But if he manages to hold on he will be allowed to crawl over and worship all of Her nails before She crushes him under Her thumb. Obviously, he wants the latter. She laughs as She gently moves Her thumb, trying to tip him off, not knowing or caring if She wants to crush him first or let him worship and then crush him.

So helpless when Her thumbnail is so many times bigger than you. There is simply nothing you can do. You are completely at Her mercy.

"Not even as tall as the length of nail past her thumb!"

Brankica 01

The tiny has been told to crawl over his owner's nail and worship it. It looks like he is taking a rest. This will NOT be tolerated and if he doesn't start again so Goddess Brankica will just flick him off and replace him. After all, he is nothing to Her.

Why can't I be shrunk and spend my whole life worshipping Her nails?

"Lying, trying not to be seen on her nail."

Asmita Sood 04

Even though he is obviously inferior to Her in every way Goddess Asmita still loves Her tiny and enjoys holding him in Her palm as they talk.

All I'd want to talk about is how beautiful She is and Her nails and hands!

"What's that little man? You want to be let go? I don't think so!"

Asmita Sood 03

The tiny is pleading for his life, but he's not doing a very good job of it. She is not impressed and if he doesn't improve soon, he's just going to be crushed in Her hand.

This picture really shows off Asmita's perfect nails and hands. Her nails are exactly the right length with astonishingly gorgeous beds on all of them. Such an honour for this tiny to be in Her palm!

"How funny! He's so small!"

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Asmita Sood 02

Goddess Asmita is only lightly scratching the building, but it is no match for Her perfect nails. Think of what She will achieve when She puts some effort into Her destruction.

I'd lean out the window, begging to be allowed to worship Her nails.

"Gently scratching at the building, watching it crumble."

Asmita Sood 01

Grateful for being allowed to spend it's last moments on Asmita's perfect nails, the tiny crawls into Her mouth, never to be seen again...

Asmita Sood has perfect nails, especially Her nail beds. I would gladly be Her tiny nail slave.
