Sunday 3 December 2017

Marie Claude Bourbonnais 07

everyone in the city has to give themselves to Giantess Goddess Marie Claude, to worship and please Her in any way She wishes. because they aren't ready for what She will do to the city if they choose not to. She will destroy the city slowly. all escape routes will be first, little more than dust under Her shoes. every building will be demolished in a different way and all of them gradually. perhaps she will lift it up and drop it. or gently sit on it until it gives way. or place Her shoe on the roof and push slowly, slowly down. and anybody on the streets will not get away. they might be squashed under Her finger. crushed under Her heel. or simply and pathetically blown away

much better to give in and beg to be owned by the Giantess Goddess!

"it's their choice - a city of adoring worshippers or no city at all!"

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