Saturday 9 April 2016

Mariah Carey 08

They live to pamper Her feet. They work as a team, moving slowly around Mariah's beautiful feet, kissing, licking, rubbing to ensure Her feet are properly adored. They absolutely love being at Her feet and afterwards, when they are put away in their cage, all they can talk about amongst themselves is how awesome Mariah's feet are and how much they are looking forward to being near them again.

Of these tinies I'd want to be the one on the right. He has a good view of Her toes and foot. Mariah's feet are just so stunning in this photo I could imagine dozens of tinies wanting just to kneel at them, let along be allowed to kiss them. I also love that Mariah is just sitting their relaxing while Her tinies work at Her feet. Everyone in this picture is happy.

"Lucky tinies worshipping her feet"

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